Journey's End - Retrospective - Part 1
/Here are some pictures from Journey’s End’s early days – at its original location in Honeoye, NY in the 1940s and 50s. The directors were Leon and Edith Allen, current director Tim Curtis’s grandparents (Marie Curtis’s parents and Andy’s great-grandparents).
ca. 1959: Rest hour in the old boys’ bunkhouse, (a renovated chicken house – note the nesting boxes converted into cubbys) By the way, this camper is now the parent of three JE former campers and staff members: Nate, Sam and Molly Sherwood.
From the beginning, JE had farm animals, gardens, nature study, wood shop and ceramics (with a potter’s wheel Leon made by pouring concrete into metal wheel rims), and a belief that children should be allowed to get dirty. Marie taught swimming in Honeoye Lake (a mile’s walk from camp).
Betsy pulliing the cart, ca. 1943
Leon Allen with campers, early 1940’s
Leon Allen and a camper snapping beans
Edith Allen with campers in late 1950s